
Kiba-dachi, morote-gedan-barai. Stomp-step right/left to neko-ashi-dachi, gedan-juji-uke. Shoot open hands up, then large circle with hands to yama-nukite-zuki, right above left. Step left to zenkutsu-dachi, age-teisho-uke. Step up heisoku-dachi, turning palms down and into washide, fling to sides and circling to hasami-zuki to temples.

Look to left as slowly lower both fists to gedan-juji-uke, right outside. As soon as hands touch, look to right and fling to sides, left gedan-shuto-uke, right jodan-tettussi-uchi, palm down. As step right to yoko-kiba-dachi, right to cover, left otoshi-uke to east, right tate-zuki to east. Then look to west as left chudan-uchi-uke, then palm-up nukite with good extension.

Lift left to sagi-ashi-dachi, gedan-barai. Left mawashi-uke as step with right toward west to yoko-kiba-dachi; right yoko-men-tettussi-uchi. Lift right to sagi-ashi-dachi, gedan-barai. Right mawashi-uke, left otoshi-uke as step right/left to zenkutsu-dachi facing west, then left age-shuto-uke, right jodan-tate-zuki.

Left washide over right. Circle right hand around left as lean away and toward right, right hand open, left washide. Lean back forward to zenkutsu-dachi, butt with head, both hands washide behind you. Step up right to gyaku-neko-ashi-dachi. Right mae-tobi-geri to chin (palms crossed in front of you, right over left). Land on left in sagi-ashi-dachi, left mawashi-uke, then right otoshi-zuki and fumikomi-geri into heisoku-dachi facing south.

Ki-katana to left side as right mae-geri to east. Step down with right and pivot to zenkutsu-dachi facing west. Left gedan-barai and left yoko-men-tettussi-uchi. Shift back to front, break arm, right hand above head, left low.

Shift to low kage-dachi facing west, right behind, gedan-juji-uke. Spread hands. Slide back with right to neko-ashi-dachi; right haishu-uke, then left washide behind right. Spread hands, left washide, right pointing up.

Fall to left knee and half-turn sweep with right. Shift weight to right and three-quarter-turn backward sweep with left. Come up facing west in kiba-dachi. Left age-shuto-uke, right ura-zuki; left otoshi-uke, right jodan-seiken-zuki over top; left kage-nuki, right jodan-tate-zuki, left to elbow.

Shift right to zenkutsu-dachi facing north. Right gedan-shuto-uke, then washide to side as left teisho-zuki to ear. Shift back to neko-ashi-dachi as circle arms, then shift to zenkutsu-dachi, yama-nukite-zuki, right above left.

Shift to neko-ashi-dachi facing west, nidan-mawashi-uke. Jun-mae-geri, step down to zenkutsu-dachi, left gedan-barai. Ki-katana to right, right tate-zuki to front, left to side. Right uraken-uchi, right mae-geri, step down to gyaku zenkutsu-dachi, low, and right otoshi-uke, left overhead, right foot off to northwest, left foot south.

Step back with left to heisoku-dachi facing east. Left gedan-shuto-uke turning into washide as right yoko-men-shuto-uchi. Right gedan-shuto-uke turning into washide as left yoko-men-shuto-uchi. Left otoshi-uke, right age-shuto-uke. Hold.

Slow with tension, circle right and cross hands in front, right over left. Just as hands touch, stomp-step right/left to zenkutsu-dachi facing east, right mawashi-uke, left gedan-shuto-uke. Gyaku-jodan-seiken-zuki. Right mae-geri at the same time as left jodan-seiken-zuki; right jodan-seiken-zuki as step forward into zenkutsu-dachi.

Shift back to neko-ashi-dachi while grabbing with right. Stomp-step right/left to neko-ashi-dachi, right pulling arm behind you while left strikes haito-uchi to groin. Left mawashi-uke, right otoshi-zuki right fumikomi-geri to heisoku-dachi, right hell up.

Left haishu-uke, right mikazuki-geri to south. Land facing north kiba-dachi. Left age-shuto-uke, right ura-zuki; left otoshi-uke, right jodan-seiken-zuki over top; left kage-nuki, right jodan tate- zuki, left to elbow.

Step behind with right and pivot into kiba-dachi facing south, left hand circling behind as you pivot, coming down into otoshi-uke, right jodan-seiken-zuki over top; left kage-nuki, right jodan-tate-zuki, left to elbow.

Step behind with right and pivot into kiba-dachi facing south, left hand circling behind as you pivot, coming down into otoshi-uke; right descends slightly from ear for tettussi-uchi to right side of his head and continues to circle around for tettussi-uchi to left side of head. Left kage-nuki, right tate-zuki, hand to elbow.

Shift to zenkutsu-dachi facing east, left kage-shuto-uke. Right jodan-seiken-zuki, right mae-geri at the same time as left jodan-seiken-zuki, right jodan-seiken-zuki as step forward into zenkutsu-dachi.

Step with left and pivot to zenkutsu-dachi facing west. Left gedan-barai, right yoko-men-tettussi-uchi, left to cover. Step back right zenkutsu-dachi facing east. Right gedan-barai and left yoko-men-tettussi-uchi. Shift back to gedan-barai and left yoko-men-tettussi-uchi. Shift back to front in kiba-dachi, break arm, right hand above head, left.

Step back left to zenkutsu-dachi, right gedan-soto-shuto-uke, right chudan-haito-uchi, left nukite-zuki. Kiba-dachi. Morote-gedan-barai.

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