Chin Yen Ch'uan
(Seinan Ken)
Heisoku-dachi (facing east)
Step off with the left foot into a kiba-dachi
Step forward with the left leg into zenkutsu-dachi; age-juji-uke
Shift the left leg back into a neko-ashi-dachi; morate-kakuto-uchi
1. step back with the left leg, turning 90 degrees to the left, into a kiba-dachi
(facing north; left jodan-ude-uchi-uke
2. step forward with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-seiken-zuki
3. step forward with the left leg into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-ude-uchi-uke
4. left jodan-seiken-zuki
5. shift forward into a zenkutsu-dachi; right age-teisho-uke (place left hand, palm
downward, under right elbow)
6. shift left foot back into a neko-ashi-dachi; left jodan-haishu-uke
7. slide left foot forward; thrust right mae-geri
8. step back with the right (kicking) left; withdraw left leg so that left foot is
beside right foot - yoko-neko-ashi-dachi; left gedan-barai
9. step back with the left leg into a kiba-dachi; left jodan-ude-uchi-uke
10. step forward with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-seiken-zuki
11. slide step with the right foot into a zenkutsu-dachi; right age-uke
12. thrust left mae-geri
13. step forward with the left 9kicking) leg into a zenkutsu-dachi; left nukite-zuki
14. circle right hand over left (to secure opponent's wrist); right dai-ashi-barai;
coming up into a sagi-ashi-dachi (facing west); morate-kakuto-uchi
15. jump in the air, turning 180 degrees into a sagi-ashi-dachi (facing east); form a
kikantana over the right hip
16. step down with the left leg into a yoko-kiba-dachi; left uraken-uchi
17. shift body weight to the rear by pivoting on both heels into a
gyaku-zenkutsu-dachi; pull opponent to the south
18. change step (retract left foot; advance right foot) into a sochin-dachi; horizontal
19. step back with the left leg into a yoko-kiba-dachi; jodan-soto-uke
20. skip back, having left foot pass right knee, into a yoko-kiba-dachi; left
21. pivot on the heel of the left foot, turning the toe out 45 degrees to the
northwest, as you open your left hand and turn the palm outward into a kage-shuto-uke;
step forward with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-seiken-zuki
22. shift body weight to the rear; turn torso 45 degrees to the left; retract extended
right fist to chest level into a right otoshi-teisho-uke
23. step back with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; left yokomen-shuto-uchi
24. bend extended left arm to chest level into a left otoshi-teisho-uke
25. extend the right arm forward into nukite-zuki
26. sweep upward with the back of the left hand; haishu-nuki
27. strike with the right hand; yokomen-shuto-uchi
28. step back with the left leg, placing the heels in line, into a kokutsu-dachi; right
29. leap into the air with the left knee; thrust right mae-tobi-geri
30. coming down from kick; right jodan-seiken-zuki
31. shift body weight to the rear; turn torso 45 degrees to the left; retract extended
right fist to chest level into right otoshi-teisho-uke
32. step back with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; left yokomen-shuto-uchi
33. step back with the left leg into yoko-neko-ashi-dachi; left gedan-barai
34. step further back with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; haishu-uke
35. change step (retract left foot; advance right foot) into a sochin-dachi; right
36. shift body weight back to the left leg; age-shuto-uke
37. grab opponent's left wrist with your right hand; twist his arm so that his palm
faces upward; step back with the right foot and pull opponent's arm as you press your
right palm against his elbow; ude-osai-gote
38. step back with the right foot into a yoko-kiba-dachi; haito-uke
39. pivot on the heel of the left foot, turning the toe out 45 degrees to the
northwest, as you open your left hand and turn the palm outward into a kage-shuto-uke;
step forward with the right leg into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-seiken-zuki
40. leap into the air, advancing first the left foot then the right foot; coming down
into a sochin-dachi; right jodan-seiken-zuki
Step back with the right leg into a kiba-dachi (facing east)
Step forward with the left leg into a zenkutsu-dachi; age-juji-uke
Shift the left leg back into a neko-ashi-dachi; morate-kakuto-uchi
Step off with the left leg into a kiba-dachi
Step off with the right foot into a heisoku-dachi
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