Kiba-dachi, morote-gedan-barai. Stomp-step right/left to neko-ashi-dachi, hands
extended; then pull them back to right te-katana. Rotate hands so left washide outside
right, then right jodan-teisho-zuki to north, left washide to west.
Slide-step left to zenkutsu-dachi, morote-age-teisho-uke. Step right to zenkutsu-dachi
as turn palms down, then form washide and fling down to side. Step up heisoku-dachi
and hasami-uchi to temples.
Block jodan-uke right/left/right, then stomp onto right foot as left grabs hand, right
ura-zuki, leaning forward, with left foot beside right knee.
Sep off west to zenkutsu-dachi as left age-shuto-uke; right jodan-seiken-zuki, leaving
left hand up. Then bring left down and right empi-uchi. Leave left hand up as right
foot comes up sideways to the front to kick right hand; right fumikomi-geri at the same
time as right tettussi-uchi, left to elbow. Right otoshi-uke as stomp-step right, then
step left and pivot to yoko-kiba-dachi, left chudan-seiken zuki to west. Pivot to long
zenkutsu-dachi, right chudan-seiken-zuki. Right kage-uke, then slow with tension grab
and pull hand, left chudan-seiken-zuki.
Shift back to neko-ashi-dachi, left age-shuto-uke. Slide-step left/right to
neko-ashi-dachi as ippon-ken-zuki to ribs, twisting right hip out as you twist. Left
mawashi-uke, then right otoshi-zuki and fumikomi-geri, coming down heisoku-dachi facing
south, heel up.
Right yoko-geri to west. Leap to right facing east and mikazuki-geri to west (360),
landing on left in sagi-ashi-dachi facing west. Change-step right/left to
zenkutsu-dachi as right mawashi-uke, left gedan-barai; right jodan-seiken-zuki. Right
mikazuki-geri to left hand. Come down in kiba-dachi facing north, morote-shuto-uke at
shoulder level. Shift to right, circle both hands clockwise. Step up right into
neko-ashi-dachi and right haito-uchi to groin as left straight behind open.
Step to right zenkutsu-dachi facing east, right kage-shuto-uke. Grab arm and pull down
as left leg sweeps, ending up to northeast. Shift forward, left kage-shuto-uke. Grab
arm and pull down as right leg sweeps, ending up to southeast. Backward 360 sweep,
then shift weight onto left leg. Leap high off right leg and fumikomi-geri to knee
with right, coming down low, hands on ground; right jodan-mae-tobi-geri to both palms.
Land on left in sagi-ashi-dachi. Left grabs hand and right ura-zuki as stomp-step
right to sagi-ashi-dachi, left foot beside right knee.
Step left to zenkutsu-dachi facing northwest as left age-shuto-uke. Leave left up and
right jodan-seiken-zuki. Step up heisoku-dachi, knees bent, as left haishu-uke, then
right mawashi-zuki, left to elbow. Right uraken-uchi a the same time as right
fumikomi-geri; right otoshi-uke as stomp-step right; then step left and pivot to
yoko-kiba-dachi, left chudan-seiken-zuki to northwest. Pivot to long zenkutsu-dachi,
right chudan-seiken-zuki. Right kage-uke, then slow with tension grab and pull hand,
left chudan-seiken-zuki.
Shift back neko-ashi-dachi as circle both hands slow with tension from right side to
left hip, right resting on left wrist. Te-katana as right mae-geri. Come down in
sochin-dachi facing northwest, right jodan-uke, left jodan-tate-zuki. Stomp-step
left/right to sochin-dachi facing west as te-katana to left, then right jodan-uke, left
Lean back and twist body slightly to southwest as right otoshi-uke, circling as you
step forward to left zenkutsu-dachi and right haishu-uke to west; then left
nukite-zuki, left otoshi-uke, right nukite-zuki.
Pivot on both heels to face south, open hands, palms in, right above head, left near
elbow. Step off left to narrow zenkutsu-dachi facing south, but leaning toward left,
as left age-shuto-uke, right gedan-shuto-uke. Left mawashi-uke, right otoshi-zuki and
fumikomi-geri to heisoku-dachi.
Step off right to zenkutsu-dachi facing west as right haishu-uke. Step left to
zenkustsu-dachi as right otoshi-uke, left nukite-zuki over top. Left otoshi-uke, right
nukite-zuki over tope. Right mae-geri to west as poke eyes with two curved fingers.
Spin left, touch down and pivot to long zenkutsu-dachi, right age-teisho-uchi to groin.
Slow with tension, grab hand with right and shift to low kokutsu-dachi, left
gedan-seiken-zuki, right overhead. Lean forward and left chudan-uke; right
fumikomi-geri to shin as right uraken-uchi to nose, left to cover. Right otoshi-uke as
stomp-step right, then step left and pivot to yoko-kiba-dachi, left chudan-seiken-zuki
to west. Pivot to long zenkutsu-dachi, right chudan-seiken-zuki. Right kage-uke, then
slow with tension grab and pull hand, left chudan-seiken-zuki.
Turning head to east, right haishu-uke near knee, then pivot, come up on right in
sagi-ashi-dachi, right otoshi-uke, left ura-zuki. Step left/right, ki-katana to right
side. Pivot to west and left jodan-uke, right tettussi-uchi to spleen.
Pivot to face south as left big chudan-uchi-uke. Step off to kiba-dachi facing south,
right tettussi-uchi breaking arm (wrists crossed, left inside).
Pivot to north in kage-dachi facing north as circle arms above head and strike
chudan-shuto-uchi to someone behind you. Slow with tension grab hand with right, step
right back to low kokutsu-dachi, left gedan-seiken-zuki, right overhead. Left
mawashi-uke, right otoshi-zuki and fumikomi-geri to heisoku-dachi.
Step off right to zenkutsu-dachi facing east, right uraken-uchi. Change-step
right/left to zenkutsu-dachi, left jodan-seiken-zuki. Shift with right to
yoko-kiba-dachi and lean away as left otoshi-uke, then back to center as left
kakuto-uchi to east. Spin right 180 to yoko-kiba-dachi and right uraken-uchi to east;
right ushiro-geri to west. Step down facing west in zenkutsu-dachi, right
kage-shuto-uke; right age-shuto-uke as left jodan-seiken-zuki. Step up heisoku-dachi s
left haishu-uke by left knee, right mawashi-zuki, left to elbow.
Stomp-step right/left to neko-ashi-dachi, right jodan-uke, left gedan-barai. Step back
left to zenkutsu-dachi facing north, right gedan-soto-shuto-uchi, right
chudan-haito-uchi, left nukite-zuki. Step up kiba-dachi, morote-gedan-barai.
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