Taikyoku Sandan Description

The Kata Pattern
Again the individual starts from Heisoku Dachi and bows Ten Chi Kenpo style giving respect to the teaching that comes from the kata. The step off is to Kiba Dachi with Marate Gedan Barai.

The first step is a quarter left turn into Neko-Ashi Dachi. While bringing the left foot up, the the right arm prepares over the right should and the left prepares across the stomach. Step left just enough to turn the right foot 45 degrees left, then shift your weight to the right foot and obtain Neko-Ashi Dachi. Block Chudan Uke left. Then shift your weight foreward to the left foot, crescent step right and punch Chudan Seiken Zuki right while the left returns to cover.

Next is a half turn. The punching (right) hand begins to prepare across the stomach and the left hand prepares to over the left shoulder again. Step straight back right into a half turn then Neko-Ashi Dachi and block Chudan Uke right (cover left). Step/punch left.

Here is the first quarter turn from Zenkutso Dachi. The punching hand prepares over the right shoulder and the right hand drops to protect the groin. The left leg is brought to the body, then crescent steps out to the left and block Gedan Barai left. Step/punch Jodan Seiken Zuki right. Step/punch left. Step/punch right and Kia (shout).

After the Kia is the only time that the punching hand does not block. In this case the punching hand raises and prepares over the right shoulder while the covered (left) hand prepares over the abdomen. The three quarters turn is made creating a turn to the right in the counter-clockwise orientation (relative to the last position). With the left foot forward and in Neko-Ashi Dachi, block Chudan Uke left. Step/punch Chudan Seiken Zuki right (remember to cover).

Now is a repeat of the first half of the kata after the first punch. Half turn with the right leg into Neko-Ashi Dachi and block right. Step/punch Chudan Seiken Zuki left. Quarter turn to the left to Zenkutso Dachi and block Gedan Barai left. Step/punch Jodan Seiken Zuki right. Step/punch left. Step/punch right and Kia. Three quarter turn ending to the right in Neko-Ashi Dachi and block Chudan Uke left over leading left leg. Step/punch Chudan Seiken Zuki right. Half turn clockwise (right) into Neko-Ashi Dachi and block right. Step/punch Chudan Seiken Zuki left.

From here step all the way back almost like a half turn but keep the feet along a line. Pivot on the left ball and the right heal and come to Kiba Dachi with Marate Gedan Barai. Stand to Heisoku Dachi and bow again to the form.

Quick Reference
*****(Neko) is Neko-Ashi Dachi
*****(Zen) is Zenkutso Dachi
Heisoku Dachi, bow
Kiba Dachi, Marate Gedan Barai

Quarter turn left (Neko), Chudan Uke left
Step right (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise (Neko), Chudan Uke right
Step left (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki left

Quarter turn left (Zen), Gedan Barai left
Step right (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki right
Step left (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki left
Step right (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki right, Kia

Three quarters turn counter-clockwise (Neko), Chudan Uke left
Step right (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise (Neko), Chudan Uke right
Step left (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki left

Quarter turn left (Zen), Gedan Barai left
Step right (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki right
Step left (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki left
Step right (Zen), Jodan Seiken Zuki right, Kia

Three quarters turn counter-clockwise (Neko), Chudan Uke left
Step right (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise (Neko), Chudan Uke right
Step left (Zen), Chudan Seiken Zuki left
Step back in line, Marate Gedan Barai
Stand Heisoku Dachi, bow

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