Taikyoku Shodan Description

Being that this is the first kata learned in Ten Chi Kenpo you will find basic movement instructions below and before the actual kata description.

The first katas start from Heisoku Dachi and then go to Kiba Dachi with Marate Gedan Barai in preparation. These are described separately from the white belt requirement page. When stepping in the white belt katas, one always stays as low as possible and the foot slides in a crescent shape when either coming forward or back. Before movement begins the toes are pointed up to prevent being caught on the ground and the non moving foot pivots out approximately 45 degrees from straight ahead to provide more balance in the movement. The crescent is formed by bringing the moving foot in towards the body and then out to its final position in a semi-circular motion. The body should stay low, preferrably not changing height when stepping as to maintain a rooted balance. The shoulders should stay square and the body sunken as far into the hips as possible during and after each movement. The final position is Zenkutso Dachi with the exception of the last movement in the kata.

Quarter Turn
The first turn of the kata is a quarter turn left and starts from Kiba Dachi. For this the weight of the body transfers to the right leg. The left leg is brought up to the body with the ball of the foot sliding on the ground and the toes pointed up. The left foot is then pushed out in a semi circle back and to the left. The body turns with the movement of the foot and pivots approximately 45 degrees on the right heel. The left foot ends up pointed straight in the direction of movement (90 degrees left from the starting position). Again, the turn ends in Kiba Dachi with the left foot forward (bent) and the rigth leg back (and locked). There is one other quarter turn which starts from Zenkutso Dachi with the left foot foreward. The only difference is that the left leg comes back in a half crescent step and then out in another half crescent step to the 90 degree angle and then the right foot will need to pivot a whole 90 degrees when positioning to Zenkutso Dachi again.

Half Turn
The next required turn is a half turn. This will reposition the body 180 degrees from its original position. The half turns in these katas start from Zenkutso Dachi with the right foot foreward. Weight shifts to the left leg which bends to maintain a low, balanced stance while the right leg, toes pointed up, comes back behind the left leg and across the other side just enough to stretch the position and keep your balance. Using the ball of the right foot and the heel of the left as your pivot points, the body does a complete turn to the rear. The pivot should land the right heal in line with the right ball (pivot) and the left toes/ball at a 45 degree angle to the outside of the now forward position (back to Zenkutso Dachi).

Three Quarters Turn
This is the final required turn and starts from Zenkutso Dachi with the right foot forward in the katas. Weight is transfered to the right leg, which is already bent. Lifting the toes the left leg comes foreward on the right side of the body and passes the right leg as far as possible without loosing one's balance and squared position. With the ball of the left foot and the heel of the right foot, the body turns 270 degrees (three quarters of a full circle) to the counter-clockwise direction. This should again set the body in a Zenkutso Dachi position with the left leg forward and bent (foot pointed straight), and the right leg locked behind (foot pointed out 45 degrees).

The Kata Pattern
This first kata uses Gedan Barai as the block and Chudan Seiken Zuki as the punch at all times. The stepping pattern performs an "I" on the floor. As with all katas, the individual starts from Heisoku Dachi and bows Ten Chi Kenpo giving respect to the teaching that comes from the kata. The step off is to Kiba Dachi with Marate Gedan Barai.

The first step is a quarter left turn. While bringing the left foot up, the right arm drops to cover the crotch and the left hand comes to prepare over the right shoulder. As the left foot steps left, block Gedan Barai left (remember to bring the other hand back to cover at each block and punch). Crescent step right and punch Chudan Seiken Zuki right.

Next is a half turn. The punching (right) hand comes to ready over the left shoulder and the left hand prepares to cover the lower region again. Step back right into a half turn and block right (cover left). Step/punch left.

Here is the first quarter turn from Zenkutso Dachi. The punching (left) hand prepares over the right shoulder and the right prepares low. The left leg is brought to the body, then crescent steps out to the left and block left. Step/punch right. Step/punch left. Step/punch right and Kia (shout).

After the Kia is the only time that the punching hand does not block. In this case the punching hand drops and covers low while the covered (left) hand prepares over the right shoulder. The three quarters turn is made creating a turn to the right in the counter-clockwise orientation (relative to the last position). With the left foot forward, block forward. Step/punch right (remember to cover).

Now is a repeat of the first half of the kata after the first punch. Half turn with the right leg and block right. Step/punch left. Quarter turn to the left and block left. Step/punch right. Step/punch left. Step/punch right and Kia. Three quarter turn ending to the right and block left over leading left leg. Step/punch right. Half turn clockwise (right) and block right. Step/punch left.

From here step all the way back almost like a half turn but keep the feet along a line. Pivot on the left ball and the right heal and come to Kiba Dachi with Marate Gedan Barai. Stand to Heisoku Dachi and bow again to the form.

Quick Reference
Heisoku Dachi, bow
Kiba Dachi, Marate Gedan Barai

Quarter turn left, Gedan Barai left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise, Gedan Barai right
Step left, Chudan Seiken Zuki left

Quarter turn left, Gedan Barai left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right
Step left, Chudan Seiken Zuki left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right, Kia

Three quarters turn counter-clockwise, Gedan Barai left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise, Gedan Barai right
Step left, Chudan Seiken Zuki left

Quarter turn left, Gedan Barai left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right
Step left, Chudan Seiken Zuki left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right, Kia

Three quarters turn counter-clockwise, Gedan Barai left
Step right, Chudan Seiken Zuki right

Half turn clockwise, Gedan Barai right
Step left, Chudan Seiken Zuki left
Step back in line, Marate Gedan Barai
Stand Heisoku Dachi, bow

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