Yohon Kumite Kata
Defending side
From Hachichi Dachi, step back right to left facing Yoko Kiba Dachi, block left
Soto Uke. Step up with the right to Kage Dachi, attempt to grab the attacking hand
with the right arm, come around left with Uraken Uchi. Kick Yoko Geri left, then
plant, turn on the ball of the left foot, and kick Mawashi Uke right. Step down to
right facing Yoko Kiba Dachi and attack right Yokoman Uraken Uchi.
Attacking side
From Hachichi Dachi, step forward to Zenkutso Dachi, punch right Jodan Seiken
Zuki. Step back to right Neko-Ashi Dachi, drop the hand to avoid the grab, block
up with Kakuto Uchi to the underarm of the Uraken Uchi being performed by the
defending side. Step back to left facing Yoko Kiba Dachi, block left Gedan Barai.
Step back to right facing Yoko Kiba Dachi, Gedan Ude Uke to block the leg. Block
Haishu Uke right, grab right and bring to cover while punching Tate Zuki left.
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